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James kevin Olega

Kolbe A Index Result



You Got a Perfect Score on the Kolbe A™ Index

You are excellent in situations that require strategic organization of information. You set priorities and put them into appropriate sequences. Your talent with both strategies and tactics makes you essential to any massive effort.

Kolbe Action Modes®
Your Kolbe A Result Chart

How do we know this? You told us when you completed the Kolbe A™ Index. Our proprietary algorithm sorted out your answers and came up with the pattern of your MO (Modus Operandi).

Your Kolbe result is so individualized, only 5% of the population is likely to have one just like it.

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

James kevin Olega

Kolbe Action Modes®

Your Kolbe Strengths


Kolbe Action Modes are behaviors driven by your instinct

Fact Finder: is how you gather and share information.

Your way of doing it is to Specify.

Follow Thru: is how you organize.

Your way of doing it is to Systematize.

QuickStart: is how you deal with risks and uncertainty.

Your way of doing it is to Stabilize.

Implementor: is how you handle space and tangibles.

Your way of doing it is to Envision.

You can count on Kolbe results being constant over time.

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Focus Your Strengths

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart


Your Kolbe result celebrates your Modes of Operation (MO): 9-7-1-3. It doesn’t have anything to do with what your social style is or how smart you are. It’s how you will and won’t naturally take action.

Kolbe adds a new dimension. Based on wisdom going back to Plato and Aristotle, the Kolbe Theory™ has proven successful with over one million users.

Conables® Tips, individualized for you, will not only help you explain your way of taking action, they will help you control the outcomes. For example:

Conables® Tips

  • Tired of Questions like:
    • Why miss out because you won't take a risk?
      Can't you ever just wing it?
  • How about saying:
    • It’s better for me to miss an opportunity than to make a mistake.
      Sure, I can wing it – but it’s not pretty.
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Focus Your Strengths

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

What's so different about the Kolbe Index?

Being a 9-7-1-3 in Kolbe has nothing to do with your personality, social style, or if you are a math whiz. Kolbe Index results deal with a different part of the brain/mind that drives your actions.

Three Parts of the Mind

  • Cognitive

  • Thinking
  • IQ
  • Skills
  • Reason
  • Knowledge
  • Experience
  • Education
  • Conative

  • Doing
  • Drive
  • Instinct
  • Necessity
  • Mental Energy
  • Innate Force
  • Talents
  • Affective

  • Feeling
  • Desires
  • Motivation
  • Attitudes
  • Preferences
  • Emotions
  • Values


Action derived from instinct; purposeful mode of striving, volition. It's a conscious effort to carry out self-determined acts.

If conative is a new word for you, join the crowd. It's the long-lost term for one of the most important things you need to know about yourself.
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Action Modes

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

You have a natural strength in each Action Mode that helps you make better decisions

Action Modes
Fact Finder
Your best way of gathering and sharing information is to Specify.
For instance, you might:

Research in-depth
Establish specific priorities
Quantify/rank order particulars
Define objectives
Assess probabilities

Define terms with exactness
Determine appropriateness
Provide historical evidence
Create analogies
Develop complex strategies
Follow Thru
Your best way of organizing is to Systematize.
For instance, you might:

Create the plan
Coordinate needs
Chart and graph logistics
Integrate past, present, and future
Distinguish patterns

Design sequential systems
Categorize differences and similarities
Bring focus and closure
Organize information and materials
Itemize procedures
Quick Start
Your best way of dealing with risks and uncertainty is to Stabilize.
For instance, you might:

Create undeviating standards
Decide what will/can stay the same
Protect the status quo
Create precedents
Clarify deadlines

Stick with what's familiar
Reduce unexpected events
Minimize risk factors
Establish outside limits
Conform to accredited concepts
Your best way of tackling space and tangibles is to Envision.
For instance, you might:

Create virtual presentations
Conceptualize solutions
Envision circumstances
Capture the essence
Portray symbolically

Find intangible methods
Jury-rig fixes
Sketch ideas
Simulate actual situations
Concoct out of thin air
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Action Modes

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

Deal with information in the way that’s best for you and let others do the rest.


What you get from each zone

Conables® Tips

Take charge of your Fact Finder instinct!



  • Be precise
  • Rate probabilities
  • Correct errors
  • Define differences
  • Question frequently and thoroughly
  • Generalize
  • Make snap judgements
  • Give yes-or-no answers
  • Answer off the top of your head
  • Decide without prioritizing reasons
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Action Modes

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

When organizing, you have an instinct to Systematize. Don’t let others force you into doing it their way!


Possibilities in Follow Thru

Conables® Tips

It's how YOU Follow Thru that matters.



  • Design sequential systems
  • Coordinate and integrate activities
  • Chart and graph information
  • Categorize and catalog items
  • Get closure on a task before moving on
  • Deviate from your plans
  • Put up with too many interruptions
  • Start a project without a checklist
  • Leave without a schedule
  • Take shortcuts
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Action Modes

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

In the midst of uncertainty you shine because you Stabilize.


Possibilities in Quick Start

Conables® Tips

How you deal with uncertainty is actually quite certain.



  • Avoid chaos
  • Find similarities
  • Remove unknowns
  • Fit new things into the existing picture
  • Reduce the chance of making mistakes
  • Deal with oddities
  • Race the clock
  • Experiment
  • Volunteer for uncertain assignments
  • Work with ambiguities
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Action Modes

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

How you show what you mean is part of your “charm.” You’re perfect just the way you are.


Possibilities in Implementor

Conables® Tips

Handle things YOUR way.



  • See solutions in your mind
  • Visualize possibilities
  • Conceptualize what could be
  • Have discussions without having to be face-to-face
  • Make decisions without having tangible evidence
  • Take responsibility for maintaining equipment
  • Demonstrate the use of mechanical stuff
  • Take apart small appliances
  • Fix broken parts
  • Build many physical models
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Time & Energy

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart


Everyone runs out of time and energy.

You can’t get time back – once it’s used, it’s gone – but energy can be renewed.


Your 100 “ergs” of mental energy are equal to the energy available to every other human being. This gives you the same potential power as any CEO or rock star.

Pyramid of Energy.





Each of your 100 ergs has the same intensity - whether it is in the Initiating, ReActing, or CounterActing zone.

Your forte is combining your Fact Finder sense of history with your Follow Thru talent for seeing themes. You use the greatest amount of your energy figuring out the background of a problem and the steps necessary to solve it. That firmly establishes a path that requires the contribution of your other conative strengths to accomplish your best work.

Don’t let anyone stereotype you as contributing or “being” just one of the Action Modes. Your contribution begins with specifying and continues until you stabilize the solution.

Self-manage your use of these limited, but renewable, resources. Use them purposefully and they will bring joy to your life.

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Time & Energy

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart


It’s tough to allocate your time, especially when no one but Kolbe has explained the role of your conative assets.

You use time according to your MO. So forget time management advice that doesn’t take it into consideration. Everyone has an equal amount of conative energy, used in differing amounts and orders. You use it in your particular order and percentages per mode.


Fact Finder

Follow Thru


Quick Start


When free to use your strengths:

1. You’ll start the problem solving process by fact checking and determining practical and appropriate priorities.
2. Next you create a plan of attack.
3. Then, you visualize solutions.
4. Finally, James kevin, you advocate for what needs to stay the same.

If you work against your grain, you’ll never have “enough” time. You will squander it by taking non-productive paths.

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Time & Energy

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart


We can't give you more time, but we have proven leveraging your conative strengths can more than double your productivity.

Here are some ways you can get the multiplier effect from your MO of 9-7-1-3.

Conables® Tips

  • Commit–but to very little. Target your top priorities. Unlike time, you can replenish conative energy, but it takes downtime to do it.
  • Save time by not working on details that don’t fit into the big picture.
  • Check off tasks that need your best efforts before you use up energy on the small stuff.
  • Self-Provoke to get where you want to go. You’re responsible for goading yourself to initiate necessary action.

Apply Your Results to Improve Your Life

Join us @ kolbe.com/activate-your-A-now for our most popular next step: a results-driven course, designed to deepen your understanding of your instinctive strengths and use them to improve your life.

Expand Your Horizons

Listen to customized audio of Kathy Kolbe discussing YOUR initiating strengths. Gain great insight into how to make them work for you in the Natural Advantage - Strategic Planner Audio (check Audible.com to purchase download).

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Time & Energy

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

Get Conative, James kevin!

Set priorities and allocate time for the top three or four, making sure you have gathered appropriate resources and background information.

Conables® Tips

Because most of the world hasn't recognized conation, you may actually have been taught ways of taking action that are absolutely wrong for you.

The truth is you need to guard the status quo while striving for positive change.

A good way to start your day is to zero in on the top priorities and get them done first.

Don't just take our word for it; try it! You may surprise yourself with how much you can get done, and by how natural it feels.

Conables® Tips

You’re likely to procrastinate if you don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle.

When you need to be persuasive in an unfamiliar situation, find ways to narrow the possibilities.

You may be acting against your grain without even knowing it. When we work against our grain, we are not only unhappy but also unproductive, wasting our time on things that require too much energy. Instead of robbing yourself of your valuable time and energy, modify the things you need to do so that you can accomplish them in your own way.

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Communication & Relationships

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart


Communication is at the Heart of a Relationship

Communication involves Action, ReAction, CounterAction and InterAction. Of course, emotions cause the desire to communicate while thoughts provide the content. However it’s your conative instincts that drive how it plays out.

If you aren’t communicating through your conative strengths, you are likely to come across as acting out of character or not being authentic.

We’re taught that there is a “right way” to do things. Our essays have the same structure and our resumes look like we’ve all had the same experiences.

How can you be true to who you are, and win approval too? We give you individualized Conables Tips for communicating in your own way without turning other people off.

Your Kolbe A Result Chart - 9-7-1-3

“If you get out of kilter with your MO, how do you expect others to “get” who you are?”
Kathy Kolbe

It’s Not Just What You Say, It’s How You Say It

Conables® Tips

Remember the time there was a problem and you were the only person around with enough information to help figure out what caused it? That’s your forte. When that’s what is needed, you’re the hero. When what’s needed is a simple reply, you may go on too long. Beware of causing other’s eyes to glaze over.

You’re at your very best when you document information and add graphic elements. It would be great if you knew the Kolbe MO of those with whom you communicate so you can judge when they are likely to reach information overload.

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Communication & Relationships

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

James kevin, Communicate Your Way

Conables® Tips

  • Your instincts won't change with age. Be obstinate with people who expect you to conform to age stereotypes – or any other kind of stereotype.
  • Position yourself as an expert. State your case with examples.
  • Don't hesitate to put up the “Do Not Disturb” sign! Others can throw your day off kilter by disrupting your schedule.


There is no perfect combination of Kolbe results for relationships. The ideal spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent, colleague or friend will respect your conative truth and allow you the freedom to be yourself.

“Trying to avoid conflict between people with strong conative differences is impossible. No use pretending – it will come out sooner or later. Discussing the differences doesn’t resolve them. It involves them. It turns a clash of wills into a meeting of the minds. You are impelled to act according to your instincts, but you can’t compel others to respond the same way.”
Conative Connection by Kathy Kolbe

People trust what they sense comes from your conative truths.

Conative action never happens in isolation from the other two parts of the mind, the affective and cognitive.

Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Communication & Relationships

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

You can improve relationships by understanding similarities and differences in your conative MOs.

In situations with someone who is pretty much your conative clone, you might be able to finish each other’s sentences, but it could also lead to: inertia in what you do together or competition for who could do things better or more than the other.

Conables® Tips

When working with someone whose MO is similar to your own:

  • Avoid getting stuck in your shared methods by bringing in others with diverse approaches.
  • Don’t evaluate others by what works best for both of you. For instance, when parents think kids should do things the same way they do them, it often leads to false expectations.

In situations with a person who has very different conative strengths than you do, you can benefit from the resulting Synergy, or the differences can cause conflict and stress.

Conables® Tips

When working with someone whose MO is very different than yours:

  • For you, togetherness may mean doing different things in the same room.
  • Don’t try to get the other person to work toward shared goals the same way you do.
Kolbe Corp (tm)

Kolbe A Index Result

Career Advice for Your MO

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

Career Considerations

Look for Opportunities to Contribute Your Conative Strengths

James kevin, you do your best work when you strive according to your MO. You're most likely to succeed in jobs that use your conative strengths according to each of the Action Modes.

Elaborate, compute, document, substantiate, validate
Sequence, classify, coordinate, integrate, codify
Establish, conform, perpetuate, anchor, institutionalize
Conceptualize, symbolize, imagine, virtualize, visualize

Finding Careers that Give You the Freedom to Be Yourself

You have many strengths that could contribute to an organization.

In job interviews, people often say things they think employers want to hear. Yet if they get a job based upon false promises, they usually become frustrated and regret having to live up to them.

Finding a job that lets you use your natural strengths is a formula for success.

It pays to be truthful in promoting your MO

Conables® Tips

  • In the early stages of a career, you may need extra-curricular activities that allow you to Initiate Action. Be sure that long-term career choices lead to opportunities to take Initiative.
  • When considering a specific career, see if you can find out the MOs of those who are successful in that role.
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Kolbe A Index Result

Summary & Share

James kevin Olega

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

Summary & Share

James kevin, the information in every section of this report was individualized for you, whether you remember it by:

Your iconic Kolbe bar chart

Your Kolbe A Result Chart

Your four numbers

9 7 1 3

Your four conative strengths


Your use of time

Your use of energy

However you visualize your MO – it's important to keep the message of your conative strengths in the front of your mind as you make life empowering decisions.

Now that you know the power of your MO, it's up to you to use it for good purposes. The world needs your conative strengths!

We hope you find this analysis will help you maximize your time and energy and communicate more effectively.

If you took the Index through your organization, check back with your Kolbe Consultant or Administrator for additional services.

Kolbe Certified Experts are available in more than 20 countries and throughout the USA